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Cornwall Cathedrals Copyright



The Practical


St. Cuthbert's Way is a pilgrim route covering a distance of 67 miles between Melrose, in the Borders, to Holy Island or Lindisfarne on the Northumberland coast. The trail links many of the places associated with St. Cuthbert's life; Melrose Abbey, where St. Cuthbert was prior; St. Cuthbert's Cave, where monks fleeing Lindisfarne carrying his body stopped to rest; and Lindisfarne, where St. Cuthbert was prior and later bishop.


Courtesy of https://www.stcuthbertsway.info/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/scw-map.jpg

Km Cum
  Sat July 9

Arrive in Melrose
Accommodation: Old Bank House

1 Sun July 10 Melrose Harestanes
Accommodation: Airenlea, Jedburgh
4 H 28 24.18


2 Mon July 11 Jedfoot Bridge Kirk Yetholm
Accommodation: Mill House
5 H 34


3 Tues July 12 Kirk Yetholm

Accommodation: Tilldale House

4 H 05 20.35 70.71
4 Wed July 13 Wooler Fenwick
Accommodation: Fenham Farm
4 H 43 22.97 93.68
5 Thurs July 14 Fenwick Lindisfarne
Accommodation: Crown & Anchor
2 H 50 14.29 107.97
  Fri July 15 Depart for home      
      107.97 km or 67.1 miles


Garmin GPS Data

    Distance Time Elevation in meters

Elapsed Moving Gain Loss Maximum Minimum
1 Melrose to Harestanes 24.18 7H04 4H28 482 492 402 68
2 Jedfoot Bridge to Kirk Yetholm 26.18 7H45 5H34 569 520 352 55
3 Kirk Yetholm to Wooler 20.35 6H19 4H05 523 578 338 79
4 Wooler to Fenham Farm 22.97 6H23 4H43 334 403 176 10
5 Fenham Farm to Holy Island 14.29 5H06 2H50 77 74 25 0
    107.97     1,985 2,067    

Walk organised by

Dean & Corinna Halsall,
16 Langham Road,
Wigan WN6 0TF
Tel: 01257 424889

Baggage carried by:
Carrylite Baggage Transfer,
Mob:07976 356459
Tel: 01434 634448